PRESS RELEASE: egnite, Inc. Launches as a Digital Health Company

egnite, Inc. launches as a digital health company to help hospital systems improve the quality of patient care.


Track record of success builds confidence to close treatment gaps for structural heart disease patients.


Aliso Viejo, Calif. – February 10, 2021 – egnite, a digital healthcare company, launched today with the goal to improve care for structural heart disease patients by delivering actionable insights through intuitive digital health platforms, proprietary artificial intelligence (A.I.) powered analytics and deep clinical expertise.

egnite’s flagship solution, CardioCare, was developed at Edwards Lifesciences, and achieved several key innovation milestones and commercial successes over the past six years. Now, egnite has been established as a standalone company to develop digital technologies and apply data science with focus, speed and agility.

Led by CEO Joel Portice and chief growth officer Martha Thorne, egnite has a tenured executive leadership team with deep experience in data analytics and digital health technology.

“We have an extraordinary opportunity to use our advanced technologies and big data to solve a significant undertreatment problem for patients with structural heart disease. The health care ecosystem of the future will be centered around precision medicine, displaying and utilizing a 360-degree view of patients,” said Portice. “Our vision is to create an evolved healthcare landscape in which data, technology, patients and clinical expertise are at the intersection of digital transformation to reduce the cost of care and improved outcomes for patients.”

Edwards remains committed to the success of egnite with significant investment and seats on the Board. Abundant Venture Partners, a digital health-focused investment and venture creation company, will be a strategic partner and take a seat on the Board, as well. 

The CardioCare program is a leading solution in structural heart disease data analytics and clinical process improvement, focused on reducing variability in diagnoses and ensuring more patients receive appropriate care. The CardioCare program has partnered with over 50 hospitals and systems across the United States and recently achieved a milestone of processing more than 1 million echocardiograms in the company’s cloud database. This proprietary echo database serves as the foundation for insights that support health care systems and result in a higher standard of patient care. The program’s industry leading A.I. applies machine learning algorithms to interpret echo reports at scale to uncover undertreatment of structural heart disease.

“We recognize that the acceleration of digital health has provided patients, doctors and health systems with tools that can significantly improve the diagnosis and treatment of structural heart disease while providing our customers with higher quality and differentiated patient care,” said Donald E. Bobo, Jr., corporate vice president of strategy and corporate development at Edwards Lifesciences. “We have also seen the positive impact of the CardioCare program to strengthen structural heart programs and drive meaningful improvements in the patient’s experience. We are enthusiastic about egnite’s opportunity to accelerate this patient impact as a standalone company.”

About egnite

egnite is a digital healthcare company dedicated to improving structural heart patient care by delivering actionable insights through intuitive digital health platforms, proprietary A.I. powered analytics, and deep clinical expertise. egnite’s charter is to spark transformation in fragmented healthcare systems by delivering integrated solutions that help elevate the standard of care for patients with structural heart disease. The company is based in Aliso Viejo, Calif. For more information, visit

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